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  • 研究员
    姓名: 尧一骏 性别:
    职务:   职称: 研究员
    通讯地址: 南京市江宁区创优路298号
    邮政编码: 210008 电子邮箱: yijun_yao@issas.ac.cn
    简 历:

    尧一骏,男,博士,研究员。研究方向为大数据与人工智能技术在资源环境领域的应用,重点开展土壤环境污染调查与风险评估的理论研究、实验验证、模型模拟以及相关软件的开发与推广,揭示了典型污染物在大尺度土壤和地下水环境中的分布、趋势及成因,并评估了典型污染物对中国人群健康的地理影响。近年来,主持多项自然科学基金和横向项目,在Nature、Nat. Sustain.、Environ. Sci. Technol.、Water Res.、Water Resour. Res.等学术期刊发表SCI论文逾60篇。此外,开发的多层次健康风险评估软件《污染场地风险评估电子获表格》下载次数超过26,000次。曾获中国土壤学会优秀青年学者奖、江苏省双创人才、北京市科技进步二等奖、环境保护科学技术二等奖和环境技术进步一等奖等多项荣誉。


    联系方式: 电话:025-86881820   E-mail: yijun_yao@issas.ac.cn








    63. Zhou Qing, Zhang Jiangjiang, Zhang Shuyou, Chen Qiang, Fan Huifeng, Cao Chenglong, Zhang Yanni, Yang Yadi, Luo Jian, Yao, Yijun*. 2024. “Groundwater Quality Crisis Across China.” Nat. Commun. (Under revision)

    62. Zhou, Qing, Zhang, Jiangjiang, Xing, Ke,Wei, Jing, Yao, Yijun*. Groundwater Nitrate Contamination in China: Spatial Distribution, Temporal Trend, and Driver Analysis. Environmental Research, 2024: 119932.

    61. Dai, Shuo; Zhou, Qing; Yang, Yadi; Zhang, Yanni; Zhang, Songhe; Yao, Yijun*. “Increasing Contamination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Chinese Soils.” J. Environ. Manage. 2024.122268.

    60. Yang, Yadi; Gu, Yi; Zhang, Yanni; Zhou, Qing; Zhang, Shuyou; Wang, Peng; Yao, Yijun*. “Spatial - Temporal Mapping of Urine Cadmium Levels in China during 1980 - 2040: Dietary Improvements Lower Exposure amid Rising Pollution.” J. Hazard. Mater. 2024.134693.

    59. Zhang, Shuyou; Zhang, Jiangjiang; Niu, Lili; Chen, Qiang; Zhou, Qing; Xiao, Nan; Man, Jun; Ma, Jianqing; Wei, Changlong; Zhang, Songhe; Luo, Yongming; Yao, Yijun*. 2024. “Escalating Arsenic Contamination throughout Chinese Soils.” Nat. Sustain. 7(6): 766–75.

    58. Zhang, Yanni; Tang, Mengling; Zhang, Shuyou;Lin, Yaoyao; Yang, Kaixuan; Yang, Yadi; Zhang, Jiangjiang; Man, Jun; Verginelli, Iason; Shen, Chaofeng; Luo, Jian; Luo, Yongming; Yao, Yijun*. “Mapping Blood Lead Levels in China during 1980–2040 with Machine Learning.” Environ. Sci. Technol. 2024; acs.est.3c09788. 

    57. Yang, Yadi; Zhang, Yanni; Zhou, Qing; Gu, Yi; Yao, Yijun*. “Urinary Cadmium Levels in China (1982–2021): Regional Trends and Influential Factors.” Environmental Research, 2024.118618.

    56. Gu, Yi; Man, Jun; Su, Liqin; Zhang, Shengnan; Zhao, Fangjie; Yao, Yijun*; Wang, Peng*. "Impact of Dietary Cadmium Intake from Rice on Renal Function Biomarker and Population Toxicokinetic Modelling." Exposure and Health, (2023): 1-13.

    55. Man, Jun; Chen, Yuanyuan; Fan, Huifeng; Chen, Qiang; Yao, Yijun*. "Optimizing Soil Sampling with Information Entropy at Heavy-Metal Sites." ACS ES&T Engineering 3(9), (2023): 1350-1358.

    54. Man, Jun; Zhong, Maosheng; Zhou, Qing; Jiang, Lin; Yao, Yijun*. "Exploring the nonlinear partitioning mechanism of volatile organic contaminants between soil and soil vapor using machine learning." Chemosphere 315, (2023): 137689.

    53. Man, Jun; Zhou, Qing; Wang, Genfu; Yao, Yijun*. Modeling and Evaluation of NAPL-impacted Soil Vapor Intrusion Facilitated by Vadose Zone Breathing. J. Hydrol. 615 (2022) 128683

    52. Man, Jun; Guo, Yuanming; Zhou, Qing; Yao, Yijun*. Database examination, multivariate analysis, and machine learning: Predictions of vapor intrusion attenuation factors. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 2022, 242: 113874.

    51. Man, Jun; Guo, Yuanming; Jin, Junliang; Zhang, Jianyun; Yao, Yijun*, Zhang, Jiangjiang*. Characterization of vapor intrusion sites with a deep learning-based data assimilation method. J. Hazard. Mater. 2022, 431: 128600.

    50. Man, Jun; Zeng, Lingzao; Luo, Jian; Gao, Weiliang; Yao, Yijun*. Application of Deep Learning Algorithm to Identify the Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals at Contaminated Sites. ACS ES&T Eng. 2022, 2(2): 158-168.

    49. Man, Jun; Lin, Guang; Yao, Yijun; Zeng, Lingzao*. A generalized multi-fidelity simulation method using sparse polynomial chaos expansion. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 2021, 397, 113613

    48. Liu, Yanqiu; Verginelli, Iason; Yao, Yijun*. Numerical study of building pressure cycling to generate sub-foundation aerobic barrier for mitigating petroleum vapor intrusion. Sci. Total Environ. 2020, 10, 136309.

    47. Verginelli, Iason; Yao, Yijun*. A Review of Recent Vapor Intrusion Modeling Work. Ground Water Monit. R. 2021. 41 (2), 138-144.

    46. Man, Jun; Wang, Genfu, Chen, Qiang; Yao, Yijun*. Investigating the role of vadose zone breathing in vapor intrusion from contaminated groundwater. J. Hazard. Mater. 2021, 416, 126272.

    45. Wang, Genfu; Xiao, Yuting; Zuo, Jianping; Wang, Yue; Man, Jun; Tang, Wei; Chen, Qiang, Ma, Shuaishuai; Yao, Yijun*. Physically simulating the effect of lateral vapor source-building separation on soil vapor intrusion: Influences of surface pavements and soil heterogeneity. J. Contam. Hydrol. 2020, 235, 13712.

    44. Liu, Yanqiu; Man, Jun; Wang, Yue; Xiao, Yuting; Tang, Wei; Chen, Qiang; Yao, Yijun*. Numerical study of the building pressure cycling method for evaluating vapor intrusion from groundwater contamination. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2020, 27, 35416–35427. 

    43. Yao, Yijun; Zuo, Jianping; Luo, Jian. Chen, Qiang, Strom, Jonathan G.; Suuberg, Eirc M*. An examination of the building pressure cycling technique as a tool in vapor intrusion investigations with analytical simulations. J. Hazard. Mater. 2020, 389, 121195. 

    42. Yao, Yijun; Zuo, Jianping; Luo, Jian. Chen, Qiang, Strom, Jonathan G.; Suuberg, Eirc M*. An examination of the building pressure cycling technique as a tool in vapor intrusion investigations with analytical simulations. J. Hazard. Mater. 2020, 389, 121195. 

    41. Yao, Yijun*; Xiao, Yuting; Luo, Jian. Wang, Genfu, Strom, Jonathan G.; Suuberg, Eirc M. High-frequency fluctuations of indoor pressure: A potential driving force for vapor intrusion in urban areas. Sci. Total Environ. 2020, 10, 136309. 

    40. Strom, Jonathan G.; Guo, Yuanming; Yao, Yijun; Suuberg, Eric M. Factors affecting temporal variations in vapor intrusion-induced indoor air contaminant concentrations. Build. Environ. 2019,161,106196.

    39. Verginelli, Iason*; Yao, Yijun*; Suuberg, Eric M. Risk assessment tool for chlorinated vapor intrusion based on a two-dimensional analytical model involving vertical heterogeneity. Environ. Eng. Sci. 2019,36 (8), 969 - 980

    38. Wang, Genfu; Ma, Shuaishuai; Ström, Jonathan; Suuberg, Eric M.; Yao, Yijun*; Zeng, Lingzao*. Investigating two-dimensional soil gas transport of trichloroethylene in vapor intrusion scenarios involving surface pavements using a pilot-scale tank. J. Hazard. Mater. 2019, 371, 138-145.

    37. Yao, Yijun; Mao, Fang; Xiao, Yuting; Luo, Jian. Modeling capillary fringe effect on petroleum vapor intrusion from groundwater contamination. Water Res. 2019, 150, 111-119.

    36. Yao, Yijun; Mao, Fang; Xiao, Yuting; Chen, Huanyu; Verginelli, Iason; Luo, Jian. Investigating the role of soil texture in petroleum vapor intrusion. J. Environ. Qual. 2018, 47, 1179-1185. 

    35. Yao, Yijun; Xiao, Yuting; Mao, Fang; Chen, Huanyu; Verginelli, Iason. Examining the role of sub-foundation soil texture in chlorinated vapor intrusion from groundwater sources with a two-layer numerical model. J. Hazard. Mater. 2018, 359, 544-553. 

    34. Yao, Yijun; Verginelli, Iason; Suuberg, Eric M.; Bart, Eklund. Examining the use of USEPA's Generic Attenuation Factor in determining groundwater screening levels for vapor intrusion. Ground Water Monit. R. 2018. 38 (2), 79-89. 

    33. Yao, Yijun; Mao, Fang; Ma, Shuaishuai; Yao, Yihong; Suuberg, Eric; Tang, Xianjin. Three-dimensional simulation of land drains as a preferential pathway for vapor intrusion into buildings. J. Environ. Qual. 2017. 46, 1424-1433. 

    32. Yao, Yijun; Wang, Yue; Zhong, Zhong; Tang, Mengling; Suuberg, Eric M. Investigating the role of soil texture in vapor intrusion from groundwater sources. J. Environ. Qual. 2017, 46, 776-784. 

    31. Yao, Yijun; Verginelli, Iason; Suuberg, Eric M. A two-dimensional analytical model of vapor intrusion involving vertical heterogeneity. Water Resour. Res. 2017, 53 (5), 4499-4513.

    30. Yang, Ye; Zhang, Jianyun; Yao, Yijun*. Enantioselective effects of chiral pesticides on their primary targets and secondary targets. Curr. Protein Pept. Sc. 2017, 18 (1), 22-32.

    29. Yao, Yijun. Spend more on soil clean-up in China. Nature 2016, 533, 469. (1区 IF=49.962)

    28. Yao, Yijun; Wang, Yue; Verginelli, Iason; Suuberg, Eric M.; Ye, Jianfeng. Comparison between PVI2D and Abreu-Johnson’s model for petroleum vapor intrusion assessment. Vadose Zone J. 2016, 15 (11).

    27. Verginelli, Iason*; Yao, Yijun*; Suuberg, Eric M. An Excel®-based visualization tool of 2-D soil gas concentration profiles in petroleum vapor intrusion. Ground Water Monit. R. 2016, 36 (2) :94-100. 

    26. Verginelli, Iason; Yao, Yijun*; Wang, Yue; Ma, Jie; Suuberg, Eric M. Estimating the oxygenated zone beneath building foundations for petroleum vapor intrusion assessment. J. Hazard. Mater. 2016, 312, 84-96. 

    25. Yao, Yijun; Verginelli, Iason; Suuberg, Eric M. A two-dimensional analytical model of petroleum vapor intrusion. Water Resour. Res. 2016, 52 (2), 1528-1539. 

    24. Pennell, Kelly G.; Scammell, Madeleine, K.; McClean, Michael D.; Suuberg, Eric M.; Moradi, Ali; Roghani, Mohammad  Yousef; Ames, Jennifer; Friguglietti, Leigh; Indeglis, Paul A.; Shen, Rui; Yao, Yijun; Heiger-Bernays, Wendyu J. Field data and numerical modeling: a multiple lines of evidence approach for assessing vapor intrusion exposure risks. Sci. Total Environ. 2016, 556, 291-301. 

    23. Yao, Yijun; Wu, Yun; Wang, Yue; Verginelli, Iason; Zeng, Tian; Suuberg, Eric M.; Wen, Yuezhong; Ma, Jie. A petroleum vapor intrusion model involving upward advective soil gas flow due to significant methane generation. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49 (19), 11577-11585.

    22. Yao, Yijun; Wu, Yun; Tang, Mengling; Wang, Yue, Wang, Jianjin; Suuberg, Eric M.; Jiang, Lin; Jing, Liu. Evaluation of site-specific lateral inclusion zone for vapor intrusion based on an analytical approach. J. Hazard. Mater. 2015, 298, 221-231. 

    21. Yao, Yijun; Wu, Yun; Suuberg, Eric M.; Provoost, Jeroen; Shen, Rui; Ma, Jianqing; Liu, Jing. Vapor intrusion attenuation factors relative to subslab and source, reconsidered in light of background data. J. Hazard. Mater. 2015, 286, 553-561. 

    20. Yao, Yijun; Su, Yao; Wu, Yun; He, Ruo.  An analytical model for estimating the reduction of methane emission through landfill cover soils by methane oxidation. J. Hazard. Mater. 2015, 283, 871-879. 

    19. Niu, Lili; Ye, Huajun; Xu, Chao; Yao, Yijun; Liu, Weiping. Highly time-and size-resolved fingerprint analysis and risk assessment of airborne elements in a megacity in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Chemosphere 2015, 119, 112-121.

    18. Yao, Yijun; Yang, Fangxing; Suuberg, Eric, M.; Provoost, Jeroen; Liu, Weiping. Estimation of contaminant subslab concentration in petroleum vapor intrusion. J. Hazard. Mater. 2014, 279, 336-347.

    17. Kong, Jiaoyan; Bai, Yun; Su, Yao; Yao, Yijun; He, Ruo. Effects of trichloroethylene on community structure and activity of methanotrophs in landfill cover soils. Soil Biol. Biochem. 2014, 78, 118-127

    16. Yao, Yijun; Shen, Rui; Pennell, Kelly G.; Suuberg, Eric M. Examination of the influence of environmental factors on contaminant vapor concentration attenuation factors using the U.S. EPA's vapor intrusion database. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2013, 47 (2), 906–913. 

    15. Yao, Yijun; Shen, Rui; Pennell, Kelly G.; Suuberg, Eric M. Examination of the US EPA's vapor intrusion database based on models. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2013, 47(3), 1425–1433. 

    14. Yao, Yijun; Shen, Rui; Pennell, Kelly G.; Suuberg Eric M. A review of vapor intrusion models. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2013, 47 (6), 2457–2470. 

    13. Yao, Yijun; Shen, Rui; Pennell, Kelly G.; Suuberg Eric M. A numerical investigation of oxygen concentration dependence on biodegradation rate laws in vapor intrusion. Environ. Sci. - Proc. Imp. 2013, 15 (12), 2345-2354.

    12. Yao, Yijun; Shen, Rui; Pennell, Kelly G.; Suuberg Eric M. Estimation of contaminant subslab concentration in vapor intrusion including lateral source-building separation. Vadose Zone J. 2013, 12(3). 

    11. Yao, Yijun; Pennell, Kelly G.; Suuberg Eric M. Simulating the effect of slab features on vapor intrusion of crack entry. Build. Environ. 2013, 59, 417-425. 

    10. Niu, Lili; Xu, Chao; Yao, Yijun; Liu, Kai; Yang, Fangxing; Tang, Mengling; Liu, Weiping. Status, influences and risk assessment of hexachlorocyclohexanes in agricultural soils across China. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2013, 47 (21), 12140-12147. 

    9. Shen, Rui*; Yao, Yijun; Pennell, Kelly G.; Suuberg, Eric M. Modeling quantification of the influence of soil moisture on subslab vapor concentration. Environ. Sci. - Proc. Imp. 2013, 15 (7), 1444-1451

    8. Yao, Yijun; Pennell, Kelly G.; Suuberg, Eric M. Estimation of subslab concentration in vapor intrusion. J. Hazard. Mater. 2012, 231, 10-17. 

    7. Yao, Yijun; Shen, Rui; Pennell, Kelly G. Suuberg, Eric M. Comparison of the Johnson-Ettinger vapor intrusion screening model predictions with full three-dimensional model results. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45 (6), 2227-2235. 

    6. Yao, Yijun; Pennell, Kelly G.; Suuberg, Eric M. Vapor intrusion in urban settings: effect of foundation features and source location. Procedia Environ. Sci. 2011, 4, 245-250.

    5. Yao, Yijun; Pennell, Kelly G.; Suuberg, Eric M. The influence of transient processes on vapor intrusion processes. J. Air and Waste Management Association - Vapor Intrusion 2010, 1, 186-210.

    4. Xu, Zuxin; Shao, Liu; Yin, Hailong; Chu, Huaqiang; Yao, Yijun. Biological denitrification using corncobs as a carbon source and biofilm carrier. Water Environ. Res. 2009, 81 (3), 242-247. 

    3. Xu, Zuxin; Yin, Hailong; Yao, Yijun. Prediction of water quality of Huangpu River using a tidal river network model. Environ. Eng. Sci. 2008, 25 (10), 1463-1476

    2. Yin, Hailong; Xu, Zuxin; Yao, Yijun; Huang, Shenfa. Eco-Hydraulics Techniques for Controlling Eutrophication of Small Scenery Lakes—A Case Study of Ludao Lake in Shanghai. J. Hydrodyn. 2007, 19 (6), 776-783.

    1. Yao, Yijun; Yin, Hailong; Li, Song. The computation approach for water environmental capacity in tidal river network. J. Hydrodyn. 2006, 18, 273-277. 
